Leadership Team
Over 300 years of banking experience!

Brian Bozak
President & CEO

James Dubois
EVP, Senior Loan Officer

Garrett Henry
SVP & Chief Information Systems Officer

Jessica Price
SVP & Chief Financial Officer

Michael Ventura
President & CEO/Investment Services

Janet Bradley
SVP, Loan Administration & Operations Officer

Julie Wright
SVP, Retail Banking & Branch Administration Officer

Sue Paradis
SVP, BSA, Risk Management, Security & Information Security Officer

Amy Rankins, MS-HRM PHR
SVP, Human Resources Officer
Switching Banks
Is As Easy As 1.2.3
Board of Directors
We’re committed to your success!
Our Board of Directors is comprised of a group of professionals whose diversity of experiences, educations, views, and opinions contribute to the overall strength of Franklin Savings Bank. This group of respected individuals collectively and individually play a critical role in the continued success of the Bank. Their commitment to supporting our customers and the community are important; therefore, their guidance and expertise is valued as we continue to grow and expand upon our products and services.
Scott R. Clarenbach
Retired Fire Chief
Craig A. Jacobson
Vice Chair
Retired Information Technology Sales Consultant, Licensed NH Realtor
Mary “Meg” E. Miller
Retired Executive Director
Peabody Home
Stuart D. Trachy
Retired Government Affairs
Brian Bozak
President & CEO
Franklin Savings Bank
Simon P. Thomson
Government Relations
Sheehan Phinney Capitol Group
Rebecca L. Bryant
President & CEO
Lakes Region
Community Services
Dorcas J. Gordon
Newfound Law, PLLC
James “Jim” C. Roberge
Roberge and Company, P.C.
Visa® Debit Cards
Money Management Made Easy!